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kRusiana Footwear & More was born out of the designer’s dream to share her personal style to all ladies - fun, quirky, casual, smart, sexy and distinctively stylish. She never considers herself a fashionista but rather a true blue stylish.

“I prefer being attributed as stylish rather than being fashionable. For me, there’s a big difference between the two. Being fashionable is merely following or copying the trends even if it doesn’t suit your personality or lifestyle. Being stylish on the other hand, means you can pull off any fashionable look whether it is in or out. It’s a style that you can call your own thus represents who YOU are. Fashion is just to impress while style is to express. A stylish person can wear the cheapest material and can still make it look expensive. Fashion is always changing, hence it fades, but your personal style gives the statement that is eternal.“ 

Her everyday attire composes of corporate/smart casual paired with slippers or doll shoes going to work. She changes to shoes when she arrives in the office then changes back to slippers after work. It has always been like that for many years. She struggles every time she meets up with her boyfriend or friends after work.

"I can’t just go out on a date ‘coz even if my attire is acceptable, my feet are not. I find it hassle to bring extra footwear and change depending on the event or occasion just so my look is appropriate in the venue and I feel comfortable at the same time. I know it’s hard to find a pair that marries the two elements these days.”




"Yes, heeled shoes will remain forever in the marketplace but  same goes to sandals. Because women’s feet and legs will get weary and they will need their walking sandals for a break to comfort them. kRusiana will continue to strive in giving you the best piece for your sole.”

by kRusiana

For someone who always had comfort as an issue and doesn’t want to compromise style for it, Karen has managed to somehow study women’s sole and their preferences. She is personally a flat shoe-lover and slipper fanatic. She does wear pumps and high heels on special occasions but only for a short time. Beyond that, her feet start to ache and sore.

As a resolution to her problem and as a personal advocate of comfort and style, Karen gave birth to this idea of making her own collection of stylish flat sandals dedicated to all fun loving, outgoing and always on the go ladies; footwear that is not only comfortable but would also transform a lady’s look from day to night.

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